I have been using this app for a year now to keep track of my classes and it has greatly improved my record-keeping and teaching efficiency. Attendance-taking is effortless (with the photo next to the name), assignment creation and grading are simple, it gives me the ability to do on-the-spot grading of spontaneous class assignments, I have instant access to any students records--including missed assignments, and an in-app ability to email individual students or the whole class--all of these things not only make my life easier, but allow me to be a better teacher. Frankly, if this were the only thing I did on my iPad, it would be worth buying an iPad just for this app.
Recently the unthinkable happened, my iPad died. Fortunately, I had been religious about using Gradebook Pros backup feature (backs up to Dropbox). Without access to an iPad, I itwas concerned that I might not be able to read the backup file. I put an inquiry in to the developer and within seconds (literally) he got back to me and offered to generate reports from my backup data--reports that I could read on my computer! Within 30 minutes I had the reports and had the peace of mind knowing that my records were safe.
Update: I am now going on two years with this app and I love it more than ever. The developer has upgraded it continuously during the time I have been using it and improved it each time. I contacted him again recently and his response was just as quick as the first time--he had me up and running in no time.
BGuar about GradeBook Pro - Grade, Attendance, and Behavior Tracking